Sunday, March 27, 2011

coffee filter lamp shade

There once was a lampshade that could. 
Then one day the lampshade just couldn't anymore. 
Until now....

Honestly?!  Coffee filters..who knew?
I would love to take credit for this amazing diy project..but while clickety click clicking away from one crazy talented blogger to another to another and another...I found the most gorgeous lampshade made of coffee filters that was crafted by Sarah at Northwest Hospitality. 

Hmmmm a coffee filter very interestingly beautiful....and I  HAVE ALL THE SUPPLIES ON HAND!  My shade wasn't a drum, like Sarah's, but I decided I had nothing to lose..and the coffee filter extravaganza began.

What you need:
hot glue
coffee filters (bulk from Costco)
wine for the friend who gets suckered into folding : ) {thanks 'C'}

1.  fold coffee filter in half
2.  fold in half again
3.  fold in half again
4.  fold point up and add a spot of hot glue
Continue this process and glue folded filters to lampshade until full.

I would like to add that this process really DOUBLES the size of your shade.  I had started out with the lamp below... 

and when the shade was completed...the size no longer looked appropriate on it's base.  Luckily I had another lamp in the house that I swapped out the base for.  I gave it a quick paint job and some distressing and am super happy with the results.

It really does give all the most wondrous glow at night.    I have another lampshade to revamp in Ava's room.  But this time I'm going to try ruffles.  Wanna see what I mean?  Take a stroll on over to see a gal by the name of Jennifer from Dear Lillie...but be forewarned..have a potty break first because you WILL be there for a very very very long time!  Seriously this chicky has more talent in her baby finger than I could ever dream of.

Also, if you would like a much more detailed tutorial on the coffee filter lampshade and many more inspiring ideas...please visit Northwest Hospitality.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. I love the shade... soo pretty! good job!

  2. This is really pretty Stacey! I love the new base you have for it as well. Gotta love inexpensive and beautiful!! :)

    I love your new header too, your kids are adorable. :)

  3. Wow, wow, wow! Yours turned out gorgeous! Now it is making me want to make one even more than before! And that first photograph is really beautiful. I love the lamp and shade up against that pale green color.

    And thanks for the link!


  5. I love it. I've made a coffee filter wreath, but never a lampshade. Very cute!

  6. Yeah! My heart smiles seeing my idea and use of coffee filters make their way into someone elses home! I was inspired from a coffee filter wreath I saw and am abosolutely obsessed over my filtered lamp shade. So happy you "went for it" and have one of your own to enjoy! Thanks for the link back and super excited to browse your cute blog! xoxo, Sarah@ NorthwestHospitality

  7. Super cute shade! I love Jennifer's ruffle shade much talent in blogland I tell ya! ~Deb~ your new blog look too!

  8. This is such a cute shade! The perfect touch for that space too.

  9. I'd love to see what it looks like with the light on. That would be neat to see.


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